Monday, 14 March 2011

What really is SIN

What if someone told you you that the negative actions that you do e.g lies, stealing, fornication e.t.c are not sins

I guess it will be very shocking for you to grasp that line of thought because we always grew up knowing that those actions where sins, isnt it.

What if i told you that many things you grew up with as basic knowledge arent really the right knowledge and had many faulty premises in them.

I see you are becoming uneasy reading this and just before you sign out this page why not take the efforts to for once see for yourself what is really right.

If you are reading this line, it means you finally made the choice to seek out the truth and let me point out very clearly that this is not an attempt to shove information done your throat as i am urging you to verify everything you will be reading.

Sins are not the negative actions that we do or are involved with rather sins is a mindset set, a thought pattern, premises and insinuations that form their arguments in the mind.

An analysis of the sins ever committed shows that they didnt just start out by the deeds,they started out as thoughts in the mind ( Gen 3:1-6, e.t.c) then the deeds finally followed.

If you where to considered you own actions you would find out that before you did those things, your mind has already been inclined to them if not madfe up, invariably the lies we tell or whatever actions we carry out are results of our negatve thoughts.

Lets think about this, we understand that by default we are sinners meaning we inherited sins from the first man Adam and if i may ask does that mean we inherited specific crafted lies that we will tell, or the ability to steal.

Of course not. it simply means that we inherited the negative thought pattern because as a new born baby you have not told any lies nor have you carried out any negative actions but at that point in time you have the capability of thinking negative things.
Our negative actions are results of our thoughts thats why Jesus said ''if you look on a woman to lust after her you have committed adultery in your heart'' matthew 5:28. Paul puts it in Galatians 5:19 that ''the (results) works of the flesh are made manifest'' -manifesting for the thoughts that are in the heart.

That was the reason Paul was writing to the corithian church to cast down imaginations and thoughts that rises up against the knowledge of God-this is sin itself.
[Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5.

The significance or implication of understanding that sins are not the negative actions that we do is that it will help us live above sin because when those thoughts begin to find their way in our memory we can easily have the mental shift and begin to meditate on the righteousnes we have in God, and the great benefits of our salvation.

Sure the things you begin to think about will begin to define who you are.
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...proverbs 23:7

next time we will talk on "righeteousness not being the good works we do"

your friend
FORCADOS, Precious Arutase

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