It's excitement running through my veins as i'm typing on my keypad, i can't wait to get the juice out for all to take a sip...
before i totally forget my manners i welcome you to the grace through faith series where together we will experience why the grace was provided and how through faith we can accept the grace and its additives.
Basically, many stumble into Christainity without really understand the concept of why Christ died for us and what His blood and name achieve's for the christain. While its not a problem stumbling into christainity it becomes a problem when you refuse to find your way around-by looking at,reading, studying the manual or guide (BIBLE) for the life you are called into.
I call christainity a life because it becomes something that flows from within us, not to worry we will deal with these indepth when we fully begin to explore our subject of discussions.
You comments, criticism will add to the sizziling effect the series will create.
Your friend,
FORCADOS, Precious Arutase
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