This is the concluding part of the series ''what happened to my sins'' so if you have not read the last post i will advice that you do so to spur better understanding.
Last post, we saw that Christ dying for our sins is purely a free gift but like all gift your acceptance of the gift is paramount for it becoming yours.
Today we will start out by saying, the means by which we accept the gift of Christ death is believing in him and this believe is the answer to ''what happened to my sins and i love how the message rendering of the good book puts it in Colossians 2:14:
Friend our slate has been wiped clean and it stays clean. Truly its appointed unto a man once to die and after death comes judgment. Hebrews 9:27. Paul in colossians 2:12 talks about our burial with christ in baptism, now there cannot be a burial unless there is first a death - you couldnt agree more.
The trick about - I mean the beauty of Christ's death is that we died in Him and if we did died in Him then we have been judged already because after death comes judgment. Dont let logical reasoning and philosophical theory cloud your minds eye from seeing the simple crystal clear work God did for us.
The outcome of that judgment is that we where declared not guilty of any sin (all sins forgiven), declared ud the righteousness of God (not forgeting the fact that we could not have earn this by righteous deeds) and that also declared us justified and a friend of mine define justified as ''just-as-if-i-did-no-wrong.
The list is endless but as it relates to our subject of discussion if we are to put it in a literal sense ''our sins where trashed never to be a problem in our relating with our maker. That is what happened to sins when we come to believe in the saving grace that Christ made available through love.
I had to stop writing to reflect on the love that could warrant such actions and i found out that it is the same love that covers a multitudw of sins not counting it on those who are involved. ''oh what a joy''.
The implication of this as we conclude ''what happened to my sins'' is that it frees is from the consciousness of sin, the mindset that we can attract blessings from God by trying to please Him with our works (not of works least any man should boast, He has already blessed is with all spiritual blessings. 2 Peter 1:3, Ephesians 3:20) and gives us the assurance of eternal security because we are sealed by the Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:13-14.
When next wr discuss, we will be looking at ''eternal security''. I would not forget to emphasis that we forge a clearer path to attaining ''the knowledge'' of the son of God (good news) by interacting through comments, questions and our spreading the word.
So drop a question, a comment or simply spread the word by linking it to your wall. I remain your friend,